
I Am Still Here (2-Channel Version)

A film by Sissi Kaplan, Vivian Wang, Cyril Wong
Singapore, 2020/24, 11’43, Colour, Stereo, Digital Video

'I Am Still Here' is a found footage film that combines materials from an old National Geographic animal documentary with a series of photographic portraits of a woman in a remote landscape. Set in a post-civilisation vista, she lives with dead and living animals, their reproductions as well as the encroaching planets. Her alienation, solitude and quest for meaning are juxtaposed with the natural instincts of animals and the invariable trajectories of planets hinting at a larger system of time and space, gesturing at alternative possibilities of navigating the world. In this visual poem, image, sound and text release distinct yet interconnected mental and emotional spaces, orbiting each other to form new and incessant constellations.


— Sissi Kaplan, Under One Moon, curated by Sam I-shan, The Catalyst, 2 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong (16/3-12/5)


Under One Moon


I Am Still Here